Thursday, October 14, 2010

Self-esteem and Serving Others

I am reading a book: Perfectly Yourself - Lessons for enduring happiness by Matthew Kelly. I recommend this book for anybody who wants to enhance their self-esteem and happiness.

In his book, Matthew Kelly says:

"Self-esteem is essential to enduring happiness. Service is the surest way to build a healthy sense of self."

"Having self-esteem and making a contribution are directly linked to each other."

Albert Schwietzer also said: "I am certain of one thing. The only ones among us who will ever be truly happy are those of us who have sought and found a way to serve"

So examine your lives and see what you are contributing to your family, friends, community, work, charitable organizations, etc. Ask yourself: what are my talents and gifts, and how can I serve others? By focusing on what you are here to give, you will inevitably receive a healthy self-esteem, and may be enduring happiness too.


  1. Nice post with a good message. May be I need to pick that book. Take Care n Cheers!!

  2. I picked it up in evening :) will get back to share the ideas on the same ..

  3. Kin Tue, How are you? Your blog has always been an inspiration to all. I hope you are also putting this on linked in... It is great for employees who has no motivation to go on or contribute further or has some attitude. It definitely stamps from our basic emotion as self esteem. Thank You.
