Saturday, September 11, 2010

Taking time-out to rejuvenate

All of us need to take time-out to rejuvenate if we want to lead a successful and fulfilling life. It may be as simple as taking a walk in the park or just lying in the sun. It may be listening to music or reading a book. It may be taking time to meditate or to pray. It may be going to exercise in the gym. It may be slipping into a hot soothing bath after a stressful day. It may be going to the spa for a sauna or massage. It may be having a celebration dinner with your loved ones. It may be more elaborate as taking a two week vacation to a exclusive resort or on a big cruise ship. You may even decide to take one year maternity leave or a sabbatical from your work.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed by the pressures of work and stresses of your personal life, you need to take a break to rejuvenate yourself. In this fast changing environment, you can feel pulled in all directions with different demands. In these tough economic times, it’s very important to look after your well-being, and your physical, emotional and mental health. Taking time-out for yourself gives you the opportunity to refresh, re-energize and rejuvenate so that you are ready again to face the stressful demands from your work and personal life. Taking regular time-out to rejuvenate enables you to thrive as an individual and lead a successful and fulfilling life.

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