In a world of scarce resources, high technology, instant communications, rapid changes and exploding population, it requires skillful personal management and development to survive. We are all participants in a period of human history where changes abound, thereby creating anxiety and confusion in their wake. A lot of people want to better themselves but some do not know how to go about it and get started in their pursuit of personal management and development. These are the people I would like to reach out and help.
My personal interest, research and practice of this subject have led me to read numerous books and articles on the field of personal management and development. I have attended seminars, workshops and discussion groups on self-actualization. I do not consider myself by any means an expert on the art of living. I am only a very keen and self-motivated student in this field. The more I learn and the more I practise the principles of personal management and development, I deepen my understanding, expand my experience and enhance my enjoyment of life.
I have tried to condense and to simplify the ideas, and to make the subject easy to understand. My book, Become Your Best, is a collation and synthesis of what I consider to be among the best practical and worthwhile ideas in this fascinating subject. By drawing together a wide range of useful information and suggestions, this book will make you become more aware of yourself and the potential that is unique to you.
If you own a beautiful house, you will be cleaning and maintaining it on a regular basis to maintain or enhance its value. What is your body, mind and spirit worth to you? What is your life worth to you? Well most people will say it is priceless. Yet, few of us devote the time and energy necessary to take care of, to manage and to develop our greatest asset: OURSELVES! With this in mind, I have planned this book to be a practical source of information and reference that you could use to correct this imbalance. I hope that students of this fascinating field who are earnestly searching for guidance would find this book a good stepping stone on their way to become their best.
If you really want to change your life for the better, you must have a clear vision of what you want to become and be committed to act on it. Self-improvement begins with having a positive attitude, a healthy self-esteem and an open mind. You must learn to be receptive to what is being said without abiding by it all. You should not readily accept what you read in this book as being applicable to you and your situation. You should ask yourself if my statements harmonize with common sense and your experience. This book has been written as an introduction to numerous principles and natural laws that can be very useful to you. You should try out the principles of personal management and development for yourself. You need to experience and to prove to yourself that you can live an abundant and fulfilling life by practising what is presented in this book. You must be totally committed to put in a lot of effort while not expecting miracles overnight. Having evaluated everything said, put into practice what you believe will be helpful to you in your quest for a more wholesome life. Choose what works for you. The inner conviction and security, which comes from having proved to your own satisfaction that some of these principles are effective will give you the foundation upon which you will begin to explore and experiment further.
This book is written as a guidance for people on the road to self-discovery. For some of you, this book can be a possible beginning, and for others a stepping-stone to your personal management and development. It will give you an opportunity to explore human capacities and potentials which are often not addressed in conventional education. You have the most to win by developing your potential to the fullest and by bringing out the best you. Your No. 1 job is to build a better you. You will not only adopt the right approach for the real world, but you will also learn to:
- Seek and find your purpose in life
- Set and reach new achievement targets
- Enhance your self-image and self-esteem
- Become totally self-confident
- Overcome your communications barriers
- Improve your personal relationships
- Gain financial independence
- Develop your leadership skills
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle
- Handle stressful situations
For more details of my books and seminars, check out my website:
If you want discuss any of the above topics with me, you can contact me at:
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