Sunday, September 27, 2009

Turn fear into power


Fear is a behavior dominated by an impression of unpleasant emotions, accompanied by reactions of the sympathetic nervous system giving rise to the desire for flight, trembling fits, mental paralysis, and physical inability to take instant action. Fear is acquired from unpleasant and frightening experiences. Fear can also protect us from dangerous situations. Most people have some kind of fear: fear of losing the important things in life, fear of pain, fear of loneliness, fear of making the wrong decisions, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the unknown, fear of animals, fear of death, fear of public speaking, fear of rejection, fear of heights, fear of loss of liberty. The fear of losing our family, friends, jobs or possessions drives some of us to cling to them so desperately that it can make the situation even worse.
In our materialistic society and this economic downturn, one of the most common fears is that of poverty; of being unemployed, of not earning enough money to provide for oneself and our family, and of being financially dependent on others in our old age. Fear of failure predisposes most people not to attempt any venture that carries an element of risk. Fear of loneliness and isolation sometimes make people stay in relationships where they are abused and exploited. Fear of making wrong decisions keeps us from moving ahead with our lives. People fear death not because there is no escape from it but more because they don't know what lies ahead after death, if anything.
Fear of rejection makes us reluctant to invite new acquaintances to go out or to ask for help from people we don't know even when we desperately need it. Do you remember looking for dates in your teenage years? I remember agonizing about how best to invite a girl friend to a dancing party. Do I phone her or invite her face to face? I was very scared of being rejected and also a bit excited at the possibility of her accepting the invitation. It took a lot of courage and risk taking to ask her out but I eventually did it. Like most teenagers, I faced my fear of rejection and survived. How many shy persons have missed the opportunity to make meaningful relationships because they have difficulty overcoming their fear to approach and make contact with people.
People who are afraid to show and express their true feelings because they fear to disclose themselves are often misunderstood and unhappy. All of us are somewhat afraid to expose ourselves as we really are, without pretence or facade. One way of facing this fear is to take the risk of disclosing a part of our real self to others a little at a time. We have to carry on in spite of our fear because if we allow it to control us, our life can become very miserable. We can become hostage to our fears by putting ourselves in self-imprisonment if we don't confront them.
We are born fearless. We become fearful of something through our unpleasant experience, distorted thinking and inflated ego. I was very fearful of dogs because as a child I was bitten several times by dogs. Today I still won't approach some big dogs without knowing them very well. In the presence of their owners I have learned to feel comfortable with dogs and I take every opportunity to pat them, something which I could not do before. By reprogramming your mind, you can accept your fear and eventually overcome it. I believe you can reprogram the thinking that had been keeping you hostage of your own insecurities and preventing you from experiencing life to its fullest. If from your childhood to adulthood, you've been told repeatedly to be extremely careful, to leave the risks and responsibilities to others and that you can't handle challenges and problems, you might very well be scared of doing many things. The difference between people who are paralyzed and ineffective because of their fears and those who are functional and effective despite their fears is in how they cope with them. The people who succeed in achieving their goals in the end are those who forge ahead in spite of their fears, doubts and worries.
If you have faith in God or in divine presence, your faith acts as an antidote to your fear. When you truly believe that God is always with you, giving you divine guidance, the notion of fear dissipates and eventually vanishes. However, not many people have this kind of faith that can rid them completely of fears. Most of us will continue to experience fear. To achieve our goals we will inevitably have to confront some of the things we fear. One of the best ways to overcome fear is to face it with a positive mental attitude. Fear begins to lose its control over you once you are willing and determined to confront it. Admit your fears to yourself, don't pretend they are not present. You can lessen the grip that a particular fear has on you by disclosing it to others. Bringing your fear out of the dark closet of your mind into the light where it can be seen by yourself and others is an act of courage, acceptance and trust in itself. By revealing your fear to others, you have to be careful not to allow yourself to be hurt by the inappropriate reaction and response of others.
Desensitize your fear by systematically practising relaxation while imagining progressively more frightening aspects of it. If it can be conquered in your imagination, half the battle is won. Imagine the worst-case scenario. Ask yourself how likely is it to happen? If it's not likely to happen there is no point in worrying about it. However if there is a good chance that it may happen, ask yourself what would you do in such eventuality. Once you have visualized what would be the very worst that could happen, you have already begun the process of changing your attitude and of thinking of alternatives and solutions. Start finding ways you might prevent your fear from coming true and improve the situation. Even the worst-case scenario is not as devastating as you might have originally thought. Face your fears and doubts squarely instead of running away from them. There is usually something you can do to confront and overcome even the most frightening circumstances. That is how confident people gain their courage and self-esteem. You cannot always run away from your fears, you must muster the necessary courage to face them some time. Acknowledging your fears and then doing whatever you were afraid of anyway is the giant step you need to take to eradicate them. Commit yourself to overcome your fears and become more than you are at the present time.
Facing your fear can be a long and difficult experience. Don't expect that your fear will disappear easily without a good fight. It needs a lot of effort, willpower, determination, preparation and courage but the payoff is worth the price. If something is troubling and worrying you, take some remedial action to change it. Begin by making a list of your fears and the doubts about your ability to deal with them. Rate each of them in order of severity, for example, 1 being minor fears, 2 being serious fears and 3 being extreme intense fears. Make it your goal to overcome them. Tell yourself that you can do it whenever doubt surfaces. Look for opportunities to confront what you fear. Clear your mind of your worries and doubts by thinking about something positive in the present. Learn the art of focusing your mind on the new pictures of the conditions and circumstances you want. Develop more trust and confidence in your ability to handle whatever comes your way by recalling the times when you did overcome adversities and felt good. Inspire your imagination by visualizing yourself overcoming your fears. A shift to an attitude of trusting and believing in yourself is essential.
You can start gradually or you can dive in the deep end, whatever you feel most comfortable doing. Some of your fears are less daunting than others. You may want to conquer small fears and build your confidence to overcome the greater ones. It may be wise to start with easily attainable goals so as to make success an odds-on favourite. The success and confidence that is gained by overcoming them will boost your self-esteem and morale. The more you stretch your comfort zone, the more confident you become. From my personal experience, the most effective way to turn fear into power is to tackle your biggest fear if you can. This latter option requires a lot more courage and willpower. However, once you succeed, the self-confidence you gain will open lots of other doors that were seemingly closed to you before that courageous event.
As you conquer one fear, you experience that other fears release their hold on you at the same time because they are interrelated. Taking the risk to face your fear in one area can give you the courage to do the same in other realms. You move yourself from a position of helplessness and paralysis to a position of power to choose and act. You become in charge of some aspects of your life which you thought you had no control over. Whichever choice is more appropriate for you, act on it recognizing the fact that there is a price to pay. Be willing to experience some uncomfortable moments and to let go of your ego. By taking the decision to face your fear, you can turn your fear into power. Once you have met fear in one area and overcome it, this exercise of willpower will tend to give you more courage and confidence in other aspects of your life.

Fear of public speaking

One of my biggest fears was public speaking. I was never encouraged at home or at school to speak out. On the contrary, I was laughed at since I did not have the self-confidence to read properly in the classroom. I would be singled out by some of my teachers and asked to stand up in front of the class and read. Of course, I would freeze. I remember feeling terrified and embarrassed by my lack of self-control and confidence during these ordeals.
In university I would hold back on asking questions and clarifications because of my fear of making a fool of myself in front of other people. I was eventually forced to speak in public. There were projects to present in front of my fellow students, lecturers and professors. I had to struggle through these few public speaking ordeals, as I did for my wedding speech! As I progressed in my professional career I realized that I would have to present reports and findings sooner or later. In 1983 while studying the performance of icebreakers in the Beaufort Sea, I faced my fear of public speaking squarely for the first time. I volunteered to present a technical paper on the maneuvering and turning performance of two icebreakers in different thicknesses of level ice of the Beaufort Sea in the Arctic. I knew my subject very well but I was terrified about the public speaking aspect. I practised my oral presentation by myself in my basement at least a dozen times. I presented my speech without the visual slides to my baby and to my wife another five to six times, timing myself and asking for feedback from my patient and understanding wife.
Finally the big day arrived. There were about sixty people in the audience, some very knowledgeable experts in this field. I stood in front of the audience and said to myself: you know your stuff, you have prepared yourself very well, now it is time to give your best shot. To my amazement, a few minutes into my presentation I felt in total control and I was enjoying the feeling. The presentation with the visual slides went very well. In addition, there were a lot of interesting questions asked to which I responded with enthusiasm based on my knowledge and first hand experience. At the end of the presentation, I got big applause and good feedback. A lot of my colleagues and people in the audience came up to me to give me a pat on the shoulder and to congratulate me. That day I overcame my terrifying fear of public speaking. Don't get me wrong, I do not claim to be a great public speaker. I still have some butterflies in my stomach whenever I have to stand up in front of an audience but I don't let the anxiety paralyze me anymore. The feeling of accomplishment, of courage and of power over my fear is a tremendous boost to my self-confidence and self-esteem. I have since joined the Toastmaster International Club in my area to improve my oral presentation skills.
Not that I'm an expert in effective public speaking, but here are some practical suggestions:

· Be prepared. Know what you wish to say.
· Keep your speech frank, short and to the point.
· Use appropriate choice of words.
· Make good use of gestures, smiles and facial expressions.
· Assume the posture of a master performer; corresponding inner feelings will follow.
· Convey enthusiasm, sincerity and confidence through your tone of voice.
· Figure out what it is you fear the most. Visualize it happening and see yourself dealing with it comfortably.
· Visualize your whole performance. Make your expectations more realistic and positive. Expect to meet it.
· Practise your speech. Rehearse it with all the feeling and conviction you command.
· Join the Toastmasters International club in your area.

Whatever your goals in life may be, your success depends on your ability to communicate. By joining a Toastmasters club, you embark on a program that will multiply your communication and leadership skills. I assure you it will be one of the best decisions you can make with respect to overcoming your fear of public speaking.

Extract from my book: Become your best.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Believe in yourself


The value of believing in yourself is inestimable. You need to have reasonable faith and confidence in your own abilities and powers if you want to be effective and successful. You must believe in yourself to hold on to your purpose in life when things are tough. You have to accept that you have a definite responsibility to yourself to achieve your purpose in life. Take a leap of faith and begin to believe in yourself. Make this commitment today and keep it. Each day you can act more responsibly and more purposefully. In the end, what counts is decisive action. When you believe in yourself, you are more likely to take action.
Lack of self-confidence and feelings of inadequacy are among the most difficult personal problems people are facing today. There are many reasons why people suffer from a sense of inadequacy and insecurity. They mistrust their ability to meet responsibilities and to seize opportunities. They do not believe they have anything worthwhile to contribute to their family and friends, to their work, to their community or to their country. They spend a large portion of their lives worrying about the uncertainty of future outcomes, even if they are beyond their control. They harbour nagging self doubts about their capabilities and potential. Their confidence is eroded. They therefore act in a very limited way and never reach their full potential.
There are various causes of inferiority feelings and disbelief in oneself. Some stem from childhood if one was constantly being put down and criticized. Even as adults our confidence can be easily undermined by others and, more importantly, by our own inaccurate belief system and internal criticism. We tend to remember every time that we fail, make mistakes and are rejected. Some feelings of inferiority are so deeply embedded that tremendous effort is required to overcome this inferiority pattern and to replace it with faith and confidence. Some people feel inadequate and insecure because they do not have the skills, knowledge or talent to tackle some projects. Remember that skills can be acquired and knowledge can be learned. At the same time realize that you cannot know everything and do everything on your own. Even if you could do everything, you would be overwhelmed. If you have a choice, do what is most important to you and what you are best at. When you need to repair your car you usually hire a skilled and experienced mechanic for the job by bringing your car to a reputable garage. Similarly you can hire many smart and capable people to help you to perform any services you want. Sometimes friends can help too but don't abuse their kindness and return the favour whenever you can. You have to believe that you are resourceful enough to select the best people for the crucial tasks you cannot perform yourself.
One of the reasons believing in yourself is so powerful is that it influences your thinking and behaviour. If you believe you can't talk to a large group of people, you will avoid public speaking. On the other hand, if you believe you can talk in front of a group of people, that belief alone will influence your performance. You will not be as nervous and intimidated when you have to deliver a speech. To build up the feelings of self-confidence, the practice of suggesting confidence concepts to your mind can be very effective. A challenge or a problem may defeat you before you ever do anything about it if you allow it to overwhelm you mentally before you start to deal with it. On the other hand, a confident and positive approach can enhance your belief system and can overcome the situation. Believe in your ability to shape your destiny and put that belief to work by acting on it. Welcome constructive criticism instead of fearing it and reacting to it negatively. Encourage feedback to learn how others see you. Use it to take inventory of yourself and look for things to improve. With regular feedback, others start to see you as you see yourself and as you think you are. So think of yourself as being: successful, loving, helpful, generous, courageous and optimistic. Keep telling yourself that if you can dream it and strongly believe in it, you can do it! You can make a difference to your life and you can change it for the better. Start believing in yourself again.

Extract from my book: Become your best

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ensure your financial independence


Most people have many similar goals, ambitions and expectations like a comfortable home, a reliable car, an annual vacation, and the ability to provide for the family's needs. All of which require money. Most of us would like to have the ability to live comfortably on our own income without being dependent on others. Some of us are quite happy with a simple lifestyle that does not require much money. We need to set our own objectives and priorities. The problem is that we rarely set our financial goals clearly and write them down on paper. Even if you only want to maintain your present financial situation, some planning and goal setting are necessary. Few people end up having financial independence and even fewer have the ability to lead a life without having to worry anymore about money.
Find out what the market place is looking for. Study the various options available and choose something that you like to do. The secret is to figure out what you really enjoy doing, without paying too much attention to the potential financial rewards. It is very important that you work in a profession that gives you some sort of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. You don't want to end up making a lot of money and being unhappy in your work. Become the best you can be in your chosen field by thinking how you can best help others. You can take charge of your financial destiny by investing time and effort acquiring the skills, education and business acumen that will help you climb the salary scale ladder. Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you can make a good living. However, if you invest in yourself, you can substantially increase your chances of having financial independence and eventually achieving financial freedom.
Apart from making yourself as attractive to the market place as possible, you also need to have some plans to improve your financial situation. The starting point is to do a thorough appraisal of your current financial position. By reviewing your present situation, you can determine how you are spending your money. The next step is to find ways of making better use of your resources and of managing your money more effectively. It helps if you set certain goals and have a plan to achieve them. Naturally financial goals and plans will change over time as your circumstances change. When I started working and was single my biggest investment was in a used car. Every month my pay check was going directly to the garage which was constantly repairing and maintaining my car. When I got married, my wife and I were primarily concerned with buying our first house. Now I have a family with three young adults, my wife and I are managing and investing our money to protect our purchasing power, welfare and lifestyle. As my children leave us and start their own careers, my financial needs will change to planning for retirement.
Make a habit of paying yourself first, before everything else. Take ten percent or whatever you can afford off your weekly or monthly salary and put it into savings or invest it wisely. Start this habit as early as possible since nothing makes so much of a difference in the long run. Certain incidents or events may happen during your lifetime that necessitate a drastic change in your financial plan. For example, you may be laid off from your work, or your marriage breaks down and you find yourself divorced or you become sick or injured for a long period of time. Be flexible and adaptable to these situations. There is therefore a need to reassess your financial position regularly in order to meet your current needs and objectives. You can then adjust your financial plan so that you have sufficient income when you need it. If you invest in yourself first, you have already taken the first steps in ensuring your financial independence. As a first rule, you should have readily available a reserve fund valued at about your net income for the last six months.


Whether you like it or not you handle money in one form or another everyday of your life. Money has a vast range of symbolic association and meaning to different people. For some people, money means freedom, happiness, status, power, security, worth, fame or a combination of all of them. For others, the subject of money arouses strong feelings of envy, oppression, guilt, fear, shame, injustice and ignorance. The fact is money can buy hundreds of everyday, practical freedoms. Money is a facilitator with which you can purchase things you want and do some things you otherwise could not do. Successful management of your personal finances empowers you to seek the most out of life. A personal financial plan is the only sure way to reach your money goals. This is not just a choice but almost a necessity for financial survival. So take action now and have a financial plan that will provide for you and your family. Learn to plan the way you spend your money. Planning, however, does not mean budgeting in the miserly, penny-pinching sense. Instead you should be spending your money on your main priorities, which may represent people or things that are important to you. Make sure you balance your income, expenses and savings wisely. You simply cannot consistently spend more than what you earn, without landing in financial trouble. A good rule of thumb is to save ten per cent of your income on a regular basis before you have a chance to spend it. Set financial objectives and periodically review and monitor them. To simplify the planning process, allocate income, expenses and savings on a monthly basis. By allocating income to specific purposes, you can use your income to your best advantage and acquire those things you want most.
An important aspect in the financial planning process is to know how to manage your money. The starting point for your planning is to review your current financial position. It is amazing how few people know: what is their current net financial worth, how they are spending their money or the difference between what they really need and what they wish to have. How you handle your income, expenses, assets, debts and investments will determine your financial health. When you are starting out on your own, maintain a frugal living standard and look for barter opportunities. Buy only things that you require and find them at bargain prices whenever possible. Have some savings so that you can take advantage of special bargains or investment opportunities. Learn to stay out of unnecessary debts that bear relatively high interest rates like credit card debts. If it is possible, borrow money and apply the principle of leverage, investing at a rate of return in excess of the interest cost. Allow a longer period of time for results. This strategy, however, should be treated with caution.
One of the best pieces of advice in financial management is to live within your means. It is not wise to spend more than you earn on a consistent basis except in some special cases. This road usually leads to debts which can accumulate very rapidly. Look carefully at what you really need and what you can afford. You may even have to go without some necessities for a short while until you are able to afford them. Choose to live more simply. Don't even try to keep up with the Jones's. Living within your means does not mean you should accept and be content with what you are earning without trying to better your financial situation if you want to. By living within your means, you can reduce your stress due to financial considerations without giving up your goals.
You have to determine the income you need to maintain your lifestyle. My advice is to aim about fifty percent higher than your estimate. Aiming higher costs no more and protects you against future cost increases. If it happens that you do not need all the income you earned, you can always save some of it for investment purposes and use the rest to help out other people and charitable organizations. If you have accumulated debts in the past, have a plan for debt payments incorporated in your budget. Realize that it might take some sacrifice on your part to pay back debts or to save some money. Take small steps in these directions and be flexible and realistic in your long-term financial goals.
Personal budgeting is often viewed as difficult, tedious and restrictive but it is an essential tool for managing your money. The preparation of a financial plan will result in a certain peace of mind in the long run. A personal financial plan consists simply of the following:

Calculate the amount of money you expect to receive after deduction of income tax i.e. your total net income. Prepare your statement of net income on a monthly basis for simplicity.
Estimate the regular living expenses: food, household needs, housing costs, transportation costs, fixed insurance costs, miscellaneous taxes, family allowances etc. Prepare a monthly statement of household expenses.
Estimate the flexible expenses: clothing, household furnishings, entertainment, medical and dental care, charitable donations and gifts etc. Establish priorities for these discretionary expenditures and see that the priorities are maintained. Average these expenses over a month period.
Make sure all estimated expenses can be paid on time to build credibility and safeguard your credit rating.
Decide on some goals. Target a saving goal of ten percent of your net income. Plan to set aside some money for long-term goals, for example, the financing of major expenses like a car, a house, and the cost of educating your children. Identify their relative priorities and decide on some target dates. To meet these large expenses on their due date will require discipline and some flexibility.
Invest regularly and wisely:
Short term (1 - 3 years) - Conservative investment
Medium term (3 - 5 years) - Balanced investment
Long term (over 5 years) - Aggressive investment

Don't make the mistake of planning your financial goals on what is left after all the expenses, including the flexible and discretionary expenses. Saving and investing what is left over usually does not work because often there is nothing or very little left over. Don't depend too much on your friends' advice. Professional financial planners can be very helpful if you can afford their advice. Many financial planners will offer their services for free if you give them your business. My best advice is to learn for yourself. Nobody cares as much about your money as you do. Improve your knowledge by borrowing financial planning books and by attending relevant free seminars that are available to find out the most effective ways to increase your assets and maximize your investments. Realize that it takes many small steps, as well as a few big steps, to build up sizeable savings and assets. Think in terms of various stages, with financial security as the long-term goal. Set up a plan to conserve and develop your assets. The real test comes in sticking to the plan once you have made it. However, after you experience the results and feedback, and see your goals being met, this should be easy and self-motivating.
Manage your money well but don't become a slave to money. Use your money to buy things you need and enjoy. Of course, money is important and we all need it to pay our bills and other expenses. But other intangibles such as happiness, love, enjoyment, self-esteem and self-fulfillment are much more important if becoming your best is your goal. Use your money wisely to contribute to your growth as a human being.


Every cent or penny counts. Take care of the cents and the dollars will take care of themselves. Spend your money smartly. You can grow rich on the money you are now wasting by investing it wisely. Buy only what you need. By knowing what you need and shopping around, you could save a lot of money. If you purchase only things or services that you really need rather than those you may want, you are making wiser and more cost effective decisions. With the money left over, you should save at least ten per cent in liquid investment for emergency use. Invest the remainder on the best return and growth. When purchasing anything make sure you are aware where you can buy the best quality for the lowest price. You can get into financial difficulty if you buy too much on credit. Borrow only for what you need and wait until you have cash for the things you simply want. If you have to borrow money, negotiate a loan with the lowest interest rate. You should pay your debt as fast as possible, particularly loans carrying high interest rates.
Develop sensible shopping and spending habits. Advertisers are trying to sell you things that you may not need, or that you may never use. Buy only things that you need and use. Go buy your groceries after you have eaten a good meal, you will not be tempted to purchase unnecessary food when you are not hungry. Buy and stock up on the necessities of life like toothpaste, soap and toilet paper when they are on sale. Buy toys, gift items and clothes that you will need when their prices have been substantially reduced even though you do not have an immediate use for them. A good time to purchase these items is right after the season, for example, Christmas cards, wrapping paper and decorations a couple of days after Christmas. Plan your shopping trip so that you can drop in at thrift shops, such as Salvation Army etc. A lot of thrift shops sell merchandise donated to them at very reasonable prices. Since you never know the quality of merchandise you may find in these shops, it is always worth a quick look. Shop around for value especially for the big ticket items you need like refrigerators, televisions, stereo systems and furniture. You can find big differences in price and quality, choose wisely. Ask for and expect a discount. Don't be scared to ask questions and to compare before buying these expensive items. Make sure there is good after-sale service and warranty. You should also buy good quality merchandise at a good price since it tends to last longer. You could also make use of hairdressing schools, dental colleges, law and business faculties in universities to have free or discounted services in their respective fields.
If you have to buy a car, buy the most economical and reliable car you can afford. A major slice of your income goes toward buying and running a car. Remember a car is not an investment that will grow in value. Most new cars depreciate about twenty five per cent in the first year, fifteen per cent in the second and another ten per cent in the third. You may prefer to let someone else absorb this rapid drop in value and buy a good used car. It is advisable to get a used car examined by a competent mechanic before you buy it. Unscheduled maintenance and servicing of a car is a drain on your income. A lot of people spend too much money on an expensive car because they think they need a status symbol. Unless you have a lot of money to spare, do not buy an expensive luxury car. If you are self-employed, it may make sense to lease a car rather than to buy it. Once you have decided on the type of car and price range you want, you should shop around for the best value for your money. Have adequate car insurance and drive carefully. Best of all, if you do not need the use of a car on a regular basis, don't buy one. It may be better to rent one occasionally when it is needed.
Use credit only when you have to and when it makes sense to do so. Before you start to use your credit extensively, establish a saving habit, no matter how little. Know exactly the cost of the loan. For a personal loan, take only the amount of credit you need. It is preferable to negotiate a personal line of credit with your bank. When you are buying on credit, make the largest down payment possible, and pay the loan back in the shortest time you can. Use your credit cards to buy items that may save you money, for instance, necessary home maintenance that will save you major repair bills later. If you have any extra money, pay off your credit card debts first and other debts afterwards. For those who have eliminated most of their debts, you can maximize your contribution to your retirement saving plan. Pay down your mortgage on your house and bring your amortization years of repayment as low as you can afford. This action alone will save you a lot of money in the long run because you will save on interest payments.
We all need some forms of insurance which are either mandatory or discretionary such as life insurance, insurance on your home and belongings and car insurance. You need to have some life insurance to protect your family. Term insurance is usually the cheapest way to buy maximum protection. For auto insurance, increase your deductibles to lower your annual premium. In every case, shop around every year to make sure you are still getting the lowest rates for the maximum protection. Send a copy of your current insurance policy to two or three other insurers to see if they can offer more competitive insurance coverage. In this way you have the other insurers reviewing your policies for you for free since you can ask for explanation regarding the discrepancies, advantages and disadvantages to you.
Have a budget for charity and choose the charitable organizations you want your money to go to. Always try to help those who are less fortunate than you whenever you can. Sometimes you do not have money to spare but you can still give some of your time, energy and service. You will be paid back handsomely and in many different and wonderful ways. You may need a lot of money to live these days, but you need a lot more of compassion, respect and love to make living worthwhile.

Extracts from my book: Become your Best –